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Hyperhidrosis Treatment St. Louis

Woman wearing a green shirt with noticeable sweat stains in the armpit area, indicating hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating is not just a minor inconvenience; it's a battle that many St. Louisans face every day (especially during our summers). It can impact your daily life, hinder your self-confidence, and leave you feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.


Hyperhidrosis, also known as severe primary hyperhidrosis, is a condition characterized by excessive sweating that goes beyond what is necessary to regulate body temperature. While sweating is a normal bodily function, individuals with hyperhidrosis experience an overactive sweat response that can occur in various parts of the body, including the underarms, palms, face, and feet.


The underlying cause of hyperhidrosis lies within the eccrine glands responsible for producing sweat. These glands become overactive due to factors such as heat or nervous system stimulation. This leads to an increased production of sweat even when the body doesn't require it.


Living with hyperhidrosis in St. Louis can be challenging as excessive sweating often causes discomfort and irritation to the skin. Simple tasks like shaking hands or raising your arms can become sources of anxiety. Seeking relief from this condition has led many individuals to explore treatment.

If you're tired of dealing with underarm sweating or excessive perspiration in general, our St. Louis dermatology team discusses hyperhidrosis and provides valuable insights on managing this condition effectively.


Understanding Hyperhidrosis: St. Louis Residents' Guide to Excessive Sweating 

Excessive sweating can be a distressing condition that affects many individuals, even in cool temperatures. This condition, known as hyperhidrosis, is characterized by profuse sweating beyond what is necessary to regulate body temperature.


Profuse sweating even in cool temperatures

One of the primary symptoms of hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that occurs regardless of the external temperature. Individuals with this condition may find themselves drenched in sweat even on chilly days or when engaging in minimal physical activity. This can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, leading to self-consciousness and decreased confidence.


Triggers include stress, anxiety, and certain foods

Hyperhidrosis can be triggered by various factors, including emotional stress and anxiety. When faced with stressful situations or high levels of anxiety, individuals with hyperhidrosis may experience an increase in sweat production. Certain foods such as spicy dishes or caffeine can act as triggers for excessive sweating.


Understanding these triggers is crucial for managing the symptoms of hyperhidrosis effectively. By identifying personal triggers and making necessary lifestyle adjustments, individuals can minimize the impact of excessive sweating on their daily lives.


Can lead to skin infections and social withdrawal

The side effects of hyperhidrosis extend beyond mere discomfort. The constant presence of sweat on the skin creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive, increasing the risk of developing skin infections such as fungal infections or folliculitis. Moreover, persistent sweating can lead to unpleasant body odor, further exacerbating social anxiety and potential social withdrawal.


It is essential for individuals with hyperhidrosis to take proactive measures to maintain good hygiene practices and prevent secondary complications from arising. Regular showering with antibacterial soap and using antiperspirants or deodorants specifically formulated for excessive sweating can help manage these symptoms effectively.


Hyperhidrosis can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, both physically and emotionally. The constant presence of sweat and the associated discomfort can lead to social isolation and reduced participation in activities that were once enjoyed. Seeking support from healthcare professionals or joining support groups can provide individuals with the necessary tools to cope with this condition and regain control over their lives.


Different Types of Hyperhidrosis and Their Causes

Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating. While it may seem like just a normal bodily function, for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, it can be a constant source of embarrassment and discomfort. Understanding the different types of hyperhidrosis and their causes is crucial in finding effective treatment options.


Primary Hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis is the most common type, affecting approximately 2-3% of the population. Unlike secondary hyperhidrosis, primary hyperhidrosis does not have an underlying medical condition as its cause. Instead, it is often hereditary and tends to run in families.

People with primary hyperhidrosis experience excessive sweating in specific areas such as the palms, feet, underarms, or face. This localized sweating can occur regardless of external factors such as temperature or physical activity. The exact reason why some individuals have overactive sweat glands remains unclear.


Focal Hyperhidrosis

Focal hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating that occurs in specific areas of the body. It commonly affects the palms (palmar hyperhidrosis) or soles of the feet (plantar hyperhidrosis). These regions tend to have higher concentrations of sweat glands compared to other parts of the body.

Individuals with focal hyperhidrosis often find themselves constantly dealing with sweaty hands or feet, which can make simple tasks like shaking hands or wearing certain types of shoes extremely uncomfortable. The causes behind focal hyperhidrosis are still being studied; however, genetics and an overactive sympathetic nervous system are believed to play a role.


Generalized Hyperhidrosis

In contrast to focal hyperhidrosis, generalized hyperhidrosis involves excessive sweating all over the body rather than being limited to specific areas. This type of hyperhidrosis is often associated with an underlying medical condition or a side effect of medication.


Medical conditions that can cause generalized hyperhidrosis include hormonal imbalances, menopause, diabetes, thyroid problems, and certain infections. It's important to identify and address the root cause of generalized hyperhidrosis to effectively manage excessive sweating.


Understanding the different types of hyperhidrosis and its causes is crucial for both individuals suffering from this condition and healthcare professionals providing treatment options. Whether it's primary hyperhidrosis without an apparent cause, focal hyperhidrosis affecting specific areas like palms or feet, or generalized hyperhidrosis occurring all over the body, finding ways to manage excessive sweating can greatly improve one's quality of life. By delving into the underlying causes behind each type, researchers hope to develop more targeted treatments in the future.


Secondary Hyperhidrosis

Secondary hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating caused by underlying medical conditions or medications. It is important to understand that secondary hyperhidrosis differs from primary hyperhidrosis, which occurs without any known cause.


Medical Conditions as Triggers

Several medical conditions have been identified as potential triggers for secondary hyperhidrosis. One such example is diabetes, a metabolic disorder that affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Individuals with diabetes often experience heavy sweating, particularly during episodes of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. Similarly, thyroid problems such as hyperthyroidism can also lead to excessive sweating as a result of an overactive thyroid gland.


Medications and Excessive Sweating

In addition to medical conditions, certain medications can induce excessive sweating as a side effect. Antidepressants, commonly prescribed for managing depression and anxiety disorders, are known culprits in triggering heavy sweating. The mechanism behind this phenomenon is not yet fully understood but may be related to the medication's impact on neurotransmitters in the brain.

Treating the Underlying Condition

Managing secondary hyperhidrosis involves addressing the root cause – the underlying medical condition or medication-induced trigger. By effectively treating these factors, it becomes possible to alleviate excessive sweating and improve overall quality of life.


For individuals with diabetes or thyroid problems, controlling blood sugar levels or regulating thyroid function through appropriate medications and lifestyle modifications can significantly reduce heavy sweating episodes. Seeking alternative antidepressant options that do not cause excessive sweating may be beneficial for those experiencing this side effect.


Complications and Affected Areas

While secondary hyperhidrosis itself may not pose significant health risks, it can lead to complications if left untreated. The constant moisture on the skin can create an ideal environment for bacterial or fungal infections to thrive, resulting in skin irritations and discomfort. It is crucial to maintain proper hygiene and keep the affected areas clean and dry to minimize the risk of infection.


Seeking Medical Attention

In some cases, secondary hyperhidrosis may be a symptom of an underlying disease or disorder that requires medical attention beyond treating excessive sweating alone. For example, heavy sweating accompanied by other symptoms such as unexplained weight loss or palpitations could indicate an underlying condition like hyperthyroidism or even a rare form of cancer like breast cancer.

If you are experiencing persistent excessive sweating, it is advisable to consult with one of our dermatologists at Mid-County Dermatology in St. Louis, Missouri who can evaluate your symptoms, conduct necessary tests, and provide appropriate treatment options based on your specific case.

By recognizing secondary hyperhidrosis as a potential indicator of an underlying condition and addressing it promptly, individuals can take control of their health and improve their overall well-being.


Diagnosis of Hyperhidrosis

A proper diagnosis is crucial in order to identify the root cause and determine the most effective treatment options. Healthcare professionals employ various methods to diagnose this condition, including a comprehensive medical history review and physical examination.


During the initial consultation, one of our St. Louis dermatologists will delve into your medical history to gain insights into any underlying conditions or factors that may contribute to excessive sweating. They will inquire about your lifestyle, the medications you are taking, and any family history of hyperhidrosis. This information helps them understand potential triggers and narrow down the diagnosis.


Following the medical history review, a thorough physical examination is conducted. Our dermatologists will inspect the affected areas where excessive sweating occurs most frequently. Hyperhidrosis typically affects specific regions such as the underarms, palms, soles of feet, or face. By examining these areas closely, they can assess the severity of sweating and its impact on your daily life.


To confirm the diagnosis of hyperhidrosis and rule out other potential causes of excessive sweating, certain sweat tests may be performed. One common test is the iodine-starch test. In this procedure, an iodine solution is applied to the affected area followed by sprinkling starch powder on top. As sweat is produced in those regions, it reacts with iodine and turns dark blue or black when it comes into contact with starch. This visual indicator helps determine if hyperhidrosis is present.


Another diagnostic method involves using paper tests. Special blotting papers are placed on different areas prone to excessive perspiration for a specified duration of time. These papers absorb sweat secreted by sweat glands in those regions. Afterward, they are weighed or analyzed for moisture content to gauge sweat volume accurately.


By conducting these sweat tests along with a thorough medical history review and physical examination, healthcare professionals can confidently diagnose hyperhidrosis and identify its root cause. This comprehensive approach ensures that other potential causes of excessive sweating, such as hormonal imbalances or underlying medical conditions, are properly ruled out.


Treatment Options for Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can be a distressing condition that affects many individuals. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to help manage this condition and provide relief from the discomfort it causes. From antiperspirants to medications and therapies, let's explore the different approaches to treating hyperhidrosis.



One of the most common and easily accessible treatments for hyperhidrosis is the use of antiperspirants. These products work by blocking sweat ducts, thereby reducing perspiration in the affected areas. When choosing an antiperspirant for managing hyperhidrosis, look for those containing aluminum chloride, as it is particularly effective.


Drysol is a commonly prescribed antiperspirant that contains aluminum chloride and is often recommended by healthcare professionals. Applying Drysol before bedtime can significantly reduce excessive sweating during the day. Other over-the-counter options include Certain Dri and SweatBlock, which have also shown promising results in managing hyperhidrosis.



Iontophoresis is another treatment option that uses electrical currents to reduce sweating. This therapy involves immersing the affected body parts in water while a low-level electric current passes through them. The electrical current helps block sweat glands temporarily, providing relief from excessive sweating.


While iontophoresis may sound intimidating at first, it is a safe and non-invasive procedure that can be done at home with specialized devices like Dermadry or Hidrex. Regular sessions of iontophoresis have been shown to effectively manage hyperhidrosis in many individuals.



In some cases where antiperspirants or iontophoresis alone may not suffice, medications can be prescribed to help manage hyperhidrosis. These medications work by targeting sweat production from within the body, reducing the amount of perspiration.


One commonly prescribed medication for hyperhidrosis is anticholinergics, such as glycopyrrolate or oxybutynin. These drugs block certain chemical signals that stimulate sweat glands, resulting in decreased sweating. However, it's important to note that these medications may have side effects and should be used under medical supervision.


Botox Injections

For individuals seeking temporary relief from excessive sweating, Botox injections can be an effective treatment option. Botox works by blocking the chemical signals responsible for activating sweat glands. While primarily known for its cosmetic uses, Botox injections have been approved by the FDA for treating axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm sweating).


During the procedure, a healthcare professional will administer small injections of Botox into the affected area. The effects typically last around six months before another round of injections is required.


Surgical Procedures for Hyperhidrosis Management

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, can be a distressing condition that significantly impacts a person's quality of life. While there are various treatment options available, surgical procedures such as thoracic sympathectomy surgery have shown promising results in managing this condition.


Sympathectomy Surgery

One of the most effective surgical treatments for hyperhidrosis is thoracic sympathectomy surgery. This hyperhidrosis treatment in St. Louis involves interrupting the nerve signals responsible for excessive sweating. By targeting the sympathetic nerves located in the chest area, surgeons can effectively reduce sweat production in specific parts of the body.


During thoracic sympathectomy surgery, small incisions are made on the side of the chest. Through these incisions, surgeons access and identify the sympathetic nerves responsible for triggering excessive sweating. Once located, these nerves are either clamped or cut to disrupt their signals. By doing so, patients experience a significant reduction in sweat production.


Minimally Invasive Surgical Options

While traditional thoracic sympathectomy surgery has proven successful in managing hyperhidrosis, it is important to note that it is an invasive procedure with potential risks and complications. However, advancements in medical technology have led to minimally invasive alternatives such as laser ablation.

Laser ablation is a relatively new technique that offers long-term relief from hyperhidrosis without requiring extensive surgery. This procedure involves using laser energy to precisely target and destroy overactive sweat glands. With minimal scarring and downtime compared to traditional surgeries, laser ablation provides an attractive option for those seeking relief from hyperhidrosis.


Considering Risks Before Opting for Surgery

While surgical procedures like thoracic sympathectomy and laser ablation offer effective solutions for managing hyperhidrosis, it is crucial to consider potential risks before making a decision.


  1. Compensatory Sweating: One possible side effect of sympathectomy surgery is compensatory sweating. This refers to excessive sweating occurring in other parts of the body after the procedure, potentially shifting the problem from one area to another.

  2. Horner's Syndrome: Another rare but potential complication associated with thoracic sympathectomy surgery is Horner's syndrome. This condition manifests as drooping eyelids, constricted pupils, and a lack of sweating on one side of the face.

  3. Infection and Bleeding: As with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of infection and bleeding at the incision sites.

  4. Anesthesia Risks: Surgical procedures require anesthesia, which carries its own set of risks such as allergic reactions or adverse effects on individuals with certain medical conditions.

Before opting for surgical treatment, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can provide detailed information about the potential risks and benefits based on individual circumstances.


Managing Hyperhidrosis for Improved Quality of Life

Hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating, can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. While there is no cure for hyperhidrosis, there are various management strategies that can help alleviate its effects and improve daily functioning.


Psychotherapy Techniques: Coping with the Emotional Impact

Dealing with hyperhidrosis can often lead to emotional distress and affect one's self-esteem. Psychotherapy techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be beneficial in managing the psychological impact of the condition. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative thoughts related to their sweating, enabling them to develop healthier coping mechanisms. By addressing the emotional aspects of hyperhidrosis, patients can experience improved mental well-being and a better overall quality of life.


Absorbent Materials and Spare Clothing: Minimizing Discomfort

To minimize discomfort caused by excessive sweating, individuals with hyperhidrosis can make use of absorbent materials or carry spare clothing. Absorbent pads or garments designed specifically for managing perspiration can help keep the skin dry and prevent sweat from seeping through clothing. Carrying spare clothes allows individuals to change when necessary, ensuring they remain comfortable throughout the day.


Support Groups and Online Communities: Shared Experiences and Advice

Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide invaluable support for individuals with hyperhidrosis. Joining support groups or engaging in online communities dedicated to this condition allows patients to share their challenges, seek advice from those who understand firsthand what they are going through, and learn about new management strategies that have proven effective for others. These platforms offer a sense of belonging and foster a supportive environment where individuals can openly discuss their concerns without judgment.


In addition to these talking points, individuals with hyperhidrosis need to consult a dermatologist for professional guidance. Dermatologists can offer personalized treatment plans based on the severity and specific needs of each patient. Depending on the situation, they may recommend various management options, including:


  • Medications: Certain medications, such as anticholinergic drugs, can help reduce sweating by blocking nerve signals that trigger sweat production.

  • Botulinum Toxin Injections: Injecting botulinum toxin into the affected areas temporarily blocks the nerves responsible for sweating.

  • Iontophoresis: This technique involves passing a mild electrical current through water to reduce sweat gland activity when applied to the hands or feet.

  • Surgical Interventions: In severe cases where other treatments have been ineffective, surgical procedures like sympathectomy may be considered.

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Managing hyperhidrosis also involves adopting healthy lifestyle practices. Maintaining good overall health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper hydration is essential. Avoiding triggers such as spicy foods or caffeine can help minimize excessive sweating episodes.



Now that you have a better understanding of hyperhidrosis, its symptoms, causes, and treatment options, you can take control of excessive sweating and improve your quality of life. Remember, hyperhidrosis is a common condition that affects many people in St. Louis, so you are not alone in this journey of dealing with excessive sweating. With the right knowledge and management techniques, you can effectively cope with hyperhidrosis and minimize its impact on your daily activities.


To manage hyperhidrosis effectively, it's important to consult with a St. Louis dermatologist who specializes in treating this condition. They can help diagnose the root cause of your excessive sweating and guide you toward appropriate treatment options. Consider making lifestyle changes such as wearing breathable clothing, using antiperspirants regularly, practicing stress-reducing techniques like meditation or yoga, and exploring alternative therapies like iontophoresis or acupuncture.


Remember that managing hyperhidrosis is an ongoing process that requires patience and perseverance. Don't hesitate to reach out for support from online communities or support groups where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. By taking proactive steps to manage your hyperhidrosis, you can regain control over your life and confidently embrace each day without worrying about excessive sweating.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can hyperhidrosis be cured completely?

Hyperhidrosis cannot be completely cured; however, there are various treatments available to help manage the symptoms effectively. These treatments range from topical solutions like antiperspirants to more advanced options such as medications or surgical procedures.


Are there any natural remedies for hyperhidrosis?

While there are no guaranteed natural remedies for hyperhidrosis, some individuals find relief by trying certain home remedies. These may include applying apple cider vinegar or witch hazel to affected areas or using herbal supplements like sage or chamomile tea.


Can stress make hyperhidrosis worse?

Yes, stress can exacerbate hyperhidrosis symptoms. Emotional stress triggers the release of certain hormones that can increase sweating. Therefore, managing stress through relaxation techniques or therapy may help reduce excessive sweating.


Is hyperhidrosis a sign of an underlying health condition?

In some cases, excessive sweating can be a symptom of an underlying health condition. This is known as secondary hyperhidrosis. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any potential underlying causes and receive appropriate treatment.


Can I still exercise if I have hyperhidrosis?

Absolutely! Exercise is beneficial for overall health, and having hyperhidrosis shouldn't discourage you from being physically active. Consider choosing sweat-wicking clothing and using antiperspirants before exercising to manage excessive

If you are experiencing excessive sweating and it is impacting your daily life, it is important to consult one of our dermatologists at Mid-County Dermatology. Our dermatology team can help to determine the underlying cause of your hyperhidrosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment option.


Treatment options for hyperhidrosis may include antiperspirants, topical medications, prescription oral medications, or procedures such as Botox injections. We will work with you to determine the best course of treatment based on the severity of your condition and your individual needs and preferences.


Don't let excessive sweating control your life. If you are in the St. Louis area and are seeking treatment for hyperhidrosis, our team of dermatologist experts is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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